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Spread the Love with Healthy Relationships


The relationships in our lives – friendships, dating partners, family, chapter council or coworkers – have a huge impact on our confidence, happiness and well-being. Because of this, it is important we invest in positive, healthy relationships that bring us confidence and allow us to be our best selves. We should strive to avoid, or leave, relationships that are negative, toxic or violent.

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence – almost triple the national average. As an organization committed to building confidence in women, Kappa Delta participates in Dating Violence Awareness Month in February to raise awareness for issues facing girls and women in unhealthy relationships. Nearly half (43 percent) of dating college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors. And 57 percent of college students say it is difficult to identify dating abuse, while 58 percent say they don’t know how to help someone experiencing it.

This month, we should each focus on strengthening and prioritizing the relationships in our lives that are positive, and support those around us who might be in an unhealthy relationship. Consider the opportunities below to inspire a culture of fulfilling, healthy relationships this month – and always!

  1. Use loveisrespect.org’s Respect Week Guideopens PDF file to learn more about what dating abuse looks like and how you can raise awareness in your communities or on your campus by participating in Respect Week.
  2. Wear orange on Tuesday, Feb. 13, to raise awareness for healthy relationships, and post a photo on social media using the hashtag #orange4love.
  3. Use the Kappa Delta Social Essentials Guideopens PDF file to discuss red flag behaviors and how to leave an unhealthy relationship. You’ll also find tips for supporting a sister or friend who is in an unhealthy situation.
  4. Share campus or community resources with your chapter, alumnae chapter or friends to ensure those you love know where to go for support.
  5. Celebrate your friendships! The best way to learn what type of relationship you want is with your closest friends. Respect and support one another, talk about things that are important to you, and build confidence in each other!

We become our best selves through community with others. Focus this month on loving those around you and identifying the relationships that best serve you. Visit www.loveisrespect.org for additional resources on healthy relationships and dating violence.