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7 Tricks to Making Your Resolutions Attainable Goals


Only 8 percent of people keep their new year’s resolutions! Are you among the minority? Or are your resolutions already a distant memory?

Don’t give up! Follow these simple tricks to turn your resolutions into achievable goals!

  • Write them down. The first step to achieving a goal is writing it down and placing it where you will see it regularly.  Leave it on your nightstand, your bathroom mirror, your smartphone lock-screen or your desk at work.
  • Tell someone. Tell your friends, family, blog followers or mentor. When we tell others about our goals and ask them to hold us accountable, it is harder to brush them off when it gets tough.
  • Break your goal into smaller chunks. Instead of saying “I want to read 50 books in 2017,” say “I’ll read 4 to 5 books per month.”
  • Plan for success! Schedule time to complete your goals. If your goal is to hit the gym three times a week, write it on your calendar like an appointment, and commit to rescheduling if something comes up.
  • Track your progress. If you set a goal in January and don’t revisit it until September, chances are you won’t have progressed as much as you’d like. Plan weekly or monthly check-ins, track your habits using a bullet journal, or use the notes app on your phone to log important milestones. You can also try one of these iPhone apps!
  • Celebrate progress along the way. If you plan to save a set amount of money each month and only save half that much, realize you’re better off than where you started! Recognize that any step forward is progress, and pat yourself on the back.
  • Don’t be afraid to start over. Don’t be discouraged if March rolls around and your new year’s resolutions were forgotten before Valentine’s Day. It’s OK to pick up and start over at any point in the year.

What tricks do you use to stick to your goals? Tell us using the hashtag #KDCoffee!  For more on sticking to your resolutions, check out this list from a habit creating expert.