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Putting an End to Hazing


Pop quiz! Do you know which of these activities is considered hazing?

A.  Creating a fun scavenger hunt for new members that leads them all over campus.

B.  Forcing new members to clean the rooms of older members who live in the chapter house.

C.  Requiring younger members or new members to complete more activity hours for Homecoming, service projects, etc., than is required of older members.

D.  Assigning new members with an entertaining and festive Halloween costume and requiring them to wear it to class on the day.

Trick question: these are all considered forms of hazing. While blindfolds, forced drinking and paddles are certainly hazing, there are other forms that are equally as dangerous that we need to be aware of.

Intimidation, verbal abuse and emotional manipulation: these are more subtle actions that we might consider harmless but can be destructive to our friends and our sisterhood. Kappa Delta takes a strong stand against all forms of hazing—the obvious and the more subtle forms. We expect our chapters to thoroughly educate themselves on the definition of hazing and watch for and speak out against all the behaviors that cause harm to others.

We joined Kappa Delta for friendship, sisterhood, confidence, memories and experiences that would positively impact us for a lifetime. Hazing is in direct conflict with Kappa Delta’s values and has no place in the lives of those who are building confidence in others.

Hazing is never OK and is prohibited by Kappa Delta Sorority. KD is concerned about the human dignity and well-being of all people and expects its members to treat themselves and one another with respect. Kappa Delta does not permit demeaning, undignified or harmful actions in any sorority activities. To review the full definition of hazing, visit opens in a new windowkappadelta.org/about-us/policies/.

It’s important to remember hazing can show up throughout our lives in a variety of places. It can happen on teams, in other organizations or even in the workplace. Every activity or interaction we have with another sister, friend or coworker should be based on mutual respect and a desire to build the person’s confidence. If something doesn’t fit that qualification, it’s time to reassess. Regardless of the environment you’re in, be aware of the activities happening around you, and have the confidence to take the lead on making a change.

National Hazing Prevention Week occurs annually to spread awareness of hazing and encourage people to speak up and end it. From Sept. 23-27, 2019, there will be many ways to participate, and we hope you will.

To learn more about the similarities and differences in bullying and hazing, and why neither are acceptable, check out opens in a new windowantihazingcoalition.org. Any member who witnesses or is the victim of hazing should call the Hazing Hotline at 1-888-NOT-HAZE (1-888-668-4293) or visit opens in a new windowfraternallaw.com/contact/antihazing-hotline.