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9 Instagram Story Templates for Download


Looking to create cohesive, branded Instagram stories for your chapter? We have created nine unique, fully customizable Instagram Story templates — seven photo templates and two animated templates. These layered Adobe Photoshop files allow you to easily drag and drop your own images, customize the text and save to post to your chapter’s Instagram!

Instagram Story Templates for photos, custom Kappa Delta green and whiteopens IMAGE file

Instagram Story Templates: Photos

First, we’ve created seven photo templates to use with your own images. (Note: Because these templates are PSD files, you must have Adobe Photoshop CC to edit them). You can drop in your own photos and text to create cohesive stories like these:

Instagram Story Templates for photosopens IMAGE file

The photo templates are set up as Adobe Photoshop files with layers you can customize. Red layers signify placeholders for photos, while green layers highlight sections of text you can customize. To download these templates with detailed editing instructions, scroll down and click “DOWNLOAD NOW” at the bottom of this post. Along with these photo templates, we’ve also saved the green and white backgrounds as separate JPG files.

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You can save them to your phone and use them as backgrounds to create your own unique stories.

Instagram Story Templates: Animated

In addition to the still photo templates, we have also created two animated versions. The first animation features Kappa Delta’s official tagline, Building Confidence. Inspiring Action. Following the tagline is a spot for eight photos, which you can customize with your own images. This animation is a great way to display how your chapter is living our tagline! Preview this animation below:

opens IMAGE file

The second animated template also uses eight photos, this time with the sayings “Go Confidently” and “Go KD.” Preview this animation below:

opens IMAGE file

Both of these animated templates are set up as layered Adobe Photoshop files. Again, you will see all the photo layers marked in red, which you can replace with your own images.

Finally, click “DOWNLOAD NOW” below to download a ZIP file containing the templates, backgrounds and detailed editing instructions.


What other types of templates and downloads would you like to see us share? Email us at kdnews@kappadelta.orgcreate new email or message us on social media. Also, be sure to follow Kappa Delta on Instagram (@KappaDeltaHQ) for more posting and story ideas.

Lindsey Archer
Senior Graphic Design and Marketing Manager