There are many ways you can support our mission. Every gift, at any amount, helps provide scholarships, leadership training and so much more for your sisters, while also supporting KDs philanthropic efforts. Consider making a gift, or plans for a future gift, that will help KD continue to flourish for the generations of women who will follow today.
We deeply appreciate each of our donors.
Recognizing each person has different goals for their gifts, we have established multiple opportunities so you can determine how you would like to give.
The Kappa Delta Foundation is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). Donations to the foundation are tax-deductible as provided by law.
Gifts to the KD Forever Fund are unrestricted, allowing the foundation to use your gift where it’s most needed. You will help us respond to the urgent needs of members and make an immediate impact. KD Forever Fund gifts strengthen the foundation’s scholarship, leadership training and philanthropic programs while providing ongoing operational support.
A recurring gift to the foundation allows you to make a long-term investment in our sisterhood with smaller contributions. Decide the amount and frequency, and your gifts will process from your credit or debit card automatically.
The Sisterhood Society is the foundation’s annual giving society. Individual gifts of $1,000 ($84 monthly) or more to the KD Forever Fund are recognized with membership in this prestigious giving society.
Including the foundation in your estate plans is the ultimate gift to ensure the future of our sisterhood. Those who notify the foundation that they have included the Kappa Delta Foundation in their wills or other instruments of estate planning are honored by membership into the prestigious Dorothea Cavin Societyopens IMAGE file .
There are flexible and creative ways to join the Cavin Society that will also benefit you, your family and Kappa Delta. Here are a few of the most common ways:
Make a gift to Kappa Delta in honor or memory of an individual or to mark a special occasion or event, such as a permanent tribute at Kappa Delta National Headquarters with a commemorative brick.
A great way to double your impact (at no additional cost to you) is through your employer’s matching gift program! Many employers will match their employees, spouses, and retirees’ charitable contributions. Contact your human resources department for more information and email the opens in a new windowfoundationcreate new email with any questions.
Making an irrevocable gift of personal assets may allow you to receive the maximum tax deduction allowed by the IRS. After consultation, once the fund has been established, you can recommend where grants are sent, like the Kappa Delta Foundation.
By donating appreciated property to Kappa Delta, you can receive a tax deduction for the current fair market value of the asset while avoiding capital gains tax.
If you choose to donate stock, please ask your broker to provide the foundation with your contact details so that we can officially acknowledge your contribution.
Tax ID: 84-0880886
Legal Name: Kappa Delta Foundation, Incorporated
Donors age 70 ½ or older can transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA directly to the Kappa Delta Foundation without being subject to income taxes on the distribution. Contact your IRA administrator or the opens in a new windowfoundationcreate new email for more information.
A scholarship can provide educational enrichment and the tools to guide Kappa Deltas to success. Establishing a scholarship is a great opportunity to leave a transformational impact on Kappa Delta women.
Spreading out your payments on a large gift through a gift intention—an agreement to make a gift to the foundation—can help you give a generous gift using regular payments over time.
We also accept endowment gifts. Unlike gifts for current use, endowment gifts provide security over the long term by expanding the foundation’s permanent financial base and creating a predictable source of future income for such things as endowed scholarships.
To learn more about establishing a scholarship, gift intentions and endowment gifts, please contact the foundationcreate new email.
Gifts to the KD Forever Fund are unrestricted, allowing the foundation to use your gift where it’s most needed. You will help us respond to the urgent needs of members and make an immediate impact. KD Forever Fund gifts strengthen the foundation’s scholarship, leadership training and philanthropic programs while providing ongoing operational support.
A recurring gift to the foundation allows you to make a long-term investment in our sisterhood with smaller contributions. Decide the amount and frequency, and your gifts will process from your credit or debit card automatically.