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Let Your Own Light Shine


Kappa Delta’s platform is confidence. That means we are the experts on having confidence in ourselves, building confidence in others and navigating any and all scary situations, right? If only it were that easy!

Building confidence in yourself and others is like building a muscle – you’ve got to use it if you want it to grow stronger! Each day, we encounter situations that challenge us. It’s up to us whether we face that challenge head on and step outside our comfort zones for maximum growth or stick with what we know and save the challenge for another day. While there’s no shame in backing down sometimes (because you can always try again tomorrow!), there’s also nothing to gain by playing small.

How do you build your confidence muscle each day? Share with us using the hashtag #KDCoffee and read below for some ideas!

  1. Try something new. Maybe your friends want to take an improv class, or you’re considering signing up for your first 5K. You’ve got nothing to lose by trying something new, and lots of confidence to gain. Besides, you just might fall in love with a new hobby!
  2. Mentor someone. If your chapter has a Girl Scout event coming up, take that opportunity to get to know the girls in a meaningful way. Ask a Girl Scout what excites her and what challenges her, then offer your support. If you are in an alumnae chapter, start a mentoring program with the local collegiate chapter to build professional networking skills.
  3. Ask someone to be your mentor. This one can be scary, but it’s worth it. Identify an area in which you want to grow, personally or professionally. Then think of someone in your network who knows something about that topic. Ask for a coffee date or a phone call to talk through your goals and how they might be able to support you.
  4. Set a risky goal. Setting goals that we know we can accomplish is one thing, but what about the ones that scare you? This month, set a goal that you know you’ll have to really stretch to accomplish. Make moves on the career change you’ve been considering. Commit to running your first half-marathon. Think of the goal that gives you nervous butterflies and go for it!
  5. Build someone else’s confidence. This one is both the easiest and the most meaningful. The people, and specifically the women, around you every day are working on their own confidence in a variety of ways. Be the person who taps someone on her shoulder and reminds her she is beautiful, talented and capable of whatever is on her plate that day. Confidence is contagious, so spread it around!