November 13, 2019
If you’re an alumnae member who has never served on a chapter advisory board the thought of helping to steer the direction of a chapter may seem intimidating. Our collegiate members look to the CAB members for counsel, direction, advice and mentoring, and that is a large responsibility. But it is also so rewarding! Volunteering for CAB is an incredibly meaningful way you can give back to Kappa Delta.
With the expertise and wisdom of our CAB members, our chapter officers can grow their skills and lead the chapter with grace. We spoke to Meredith Miller, a CAB member from Kappa Delta’s Eta Psi Chapter at the University of North Carolina/Charlotte, about her experience serving as an advisor.
Meredith is proud to advise the Eta Psi Chapter, pictured above.
Kappa Delta Headquarters: When did you join the chapter advisory board?
Meredith Miller: I have been on the Eta Psi CAB for the last year. I hold the position of CAB-academics.
KDHQ: What/who inspired you to volunteer with Kappa Delta?
MM: I was inspired by my big sister, Meaghan, from my own chapter, Gamma Gamma at High Point University. Meaghan was on Gamma Gamma’s CAB. I got to see firsthand how much she enjoyed it. No matter where she lives or what cities she moves to, she has always given back to Kappa Delta and supported the collegiate chapters close to her. I felt inspired to follow her lead when I was contacted by the CAB chairman at Eta Psi about open positions.
KDHQ: Why did you choose CAB as a way of giving back to Kappa Delta?
MM: I wanted to join a CAB to uphold the values I learned in Kappa Delta during my collegiate years. Service, love and sisterhood are the most important things.
KDHQ: How do you uphold those values as you serve on CAB?
MM: I think of our vision, “Kappa Delta Sorority provides experiences that build confidence in women and inspire them to action through the power of lifelong friendship.” This summarizes life as an alumna member. We want to continue to inspire each other as alumnae and throughout lifelong sisterhood. As a CAB member, I not only inspire collegiate members, but I am surrounded by alumnae who uphold our vision and inspire me!
KDHQ: What do you enjoy most about serving on CAB? What about the experience makes it meaningful to you?
MM: I’m a teacher and have always held academics and grades in high regard. Because of my background, I have loved helping with the chapter’s academics by advising the chapter’s Academic Excellence chairman. I hope to have an impact on the women in the chapter who need help with classes, grades and study skills. It has been a special treat to serve in this position and see sisters positively change and focus on their education. I also enjoyed attending Kappa Delta’s National Convention in Dallas and meeting sisters, alumnae and other CAB members from all over the nation!
KDHQ: What about getting involved with a CAB surprised you? Did you have any misconceptions about CAB?
MM: What surprised me most was the connection I formed with the Eta Psi Chapter. Despite not being an alumna of Eta Psi, I was happy to discover that I still feel bonded to the chapter and its members. The women of Eta Psi are such a hardworking, amazing group that strives daily to better themselves and their chapter presence on campus. I feel blessed to be able to work with such a great group of collegiate women.
KDHQ: Would you recommend volunteering for CAB to other Kappa Delta alumnae? Why?
MM: Yes! Seeing your impact on the collegians is an amazing experience. You will also see a positive change in your life as an alumnae member. I know I did!