October 13, 2023
“We’ll ever loyal be to thee, our own KD, our own KD”
When you sing these words written by our founder Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, have you considered what it means to say, “our own KD?” For convention this past summer, we chose Our Own KD as our theme and challenged attendees to take responsibility and ownership for their Kappa Delta experience, as so many sisters before us have done. By embracing the Kappa Delta experience and each sister’s role in it, we continue to impact our sisterhood.
In a November 1909 letter, National President La Jeune Forrey, Lambda-Northwestern, suggested a Founders Day: “Let us show that our lives are sweetened and broadened by the influence of our sorority life, and in gratitude for the founding of Kappa Delta, may we celebrate that day in some way each year.” Only two years later, the convention body voted that October 23 should have special recognition.
While the celebration of Founders Day has evolved, what has remained constant is the original sentiment – to show gratitude for the founding of Kappa Delta and the impact our sisterhood has had on our lives. Take a moment and consider: What has Kappa Delta brought you for which you are grateful? What impact has Kappa Delta had on your life? How would you answer, “If not for KD … “? Through the years, our values first reflected by our founders in our Ritual have been succinctly stated as friendship and loyalty, personal integrity, lifelong learning and selfless service. When you consider KD’s impact, do you, like me, find the values of Kappa Delta reflected in your response? The loyal friends, the insistence on high ideals, the willingness to learn and improve every day, and the commitment to service emanate from Kappa Deltas and define our impact on our families, communities and the world.
One hundred twenty-six years later, Kappa Delta has evolved to be one of the premier women’s organizations in the country. We have done so by holding firm to some constants: We remain a faithful band of sisters linked by the bonds of dear KD. We project our loyalty to Kappa Delta through ownership of our Kappa Delta experience. We remain committed to striving for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest. Through living our values, our own KD has impacted each of us personally and impacted our world. We show our gratitude on this Founders Day as our early leaders suggested we should, and we embrace our empowering duty to push forward toward the prize, a greater and better Kappa Delta.