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Building Confidence and Encouraging Self-Love


Corrine Carnohan, Eta Eta-Northern Kentucky’s VP-PR, implemented “self-love week” to help members in her chapter and around campus determine their self-worth and channel their inner confidence.

I developed a passion for the concept of “self-love” when I noticed some of my sisters questioning their potential and our chapter’s morale seemed to be at an all-time low. During this time, I felt some of my sisters were facing insecurities without realizing how Kappa Delta could help them. Because of this, I set a goal to show all members Kappa Delta has the potential to be the greatest influence on your life if you let it. Sometimes all you need is a reminder that you matter!

As sisters, it’s our responsibility to build confidence in each other and be positive influences on one another. The goal of self-love week is to influence as many people as possible to take some time to love themselves to reach their full potential.

We decided what better time for self-love week to take place than the week of Valentine’s Day! We implemented numerous activities for the entire chapter to participate in. On Sunday, we kicked off the confidence building by making friendship bracelets for sisters that showcased qualities we believe they bring to the chapter. We also set up a photo booth with a chalkboard where we encouraged members to write down what they love about themselves. We displayed these photos at a table on campus later in the week.

Next, it was time to spread the love outside of KD. We took to campus, writing inspirational quotes in chalk. We set up a “KD Compliments” table. which allowed students to write notes to their peers, pinpointing their positive qualities. We closed out the week of self-love with a “Know Your Worth” station where students could write down what they love about themselves and put it on display.

Through this emphasis on self-love, my hope is that we have made a lasting impact not only on our chapter, but also on the whole community.